Friday, July 25, 2008

Best night EVER--4th Miracles!!

Caroline to MaShell: Tonight is the very best night EVER in my whole life. Because of three things:

First, I lost my very first tooth!

Secondly, I can play "Yankee Doodle" with my EYES CLOSED

and third, I taught you how to play the piano!!!!

Caroline: I think these are miracles. These are my FOURTH miracles!!!!


The other night Maureen asked me what I thought about something...I wasn't really paying attention and didn't respond.

She leaned over and whispered to me, "say 'whatever' momma." So I said "whatever" and she climbed into bed.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Rock Family

Maureen [walking on gravel road]: Momma, stop! I need to put this rock in the stroller.

Later, down the hill...

Maureen: Momma, stop!! I need my rock.

Maureen [tosses the rock on the ground in the middle of the road]: Bye rock! Say hello to your new rock family!

Caroline on the Road to Sainthood

Caroline: Momma, I want to be a saint. I've been doing lots of good things.

About 15 minutes later...

Caroline: Momma, I always want to help poor people...'cept I don't know any poor people. So, can we go to a hospital and I will take flowers to the sick people? Can we do that some time?


Maureen in the public restroom at the lake to the woman next to us drying off: Why are your boobs so small?

Surprised woman: Uh...

Maureen: Mommy, why are her boobs SO small?

Surprised woman: Some boobs are small like mine and some are big and I haven't gotten implants yet!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rainbow Puddle or Car Pee?

Maureen in a parking lot: Look, there's a rainbow puddle!

Caroline: Maureen, that is just car pee.

I'm Famous!

Caroline: Mom, are you famous?

MaShell: Oh, yeah...I sure am. Everyone knows me.

Maureen: I am famous.

MaShell: What are you famous for Maureen?

Maureen: My songs. My ABC song. Everybody loves it.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bear Poop and Atchison

We just got a van that my dad had for awhile on the farm while he fixed it for us. It got dusty and smells when you first get in it, even though PT scoured and vacummed it for an entire day. Here's what Maureen just said about it...

Maureen: "It smells like bear poop in smells like Atchison."

"I LOST MY..."

We went for a walk last night. The kids found a tree with cherry-like things on them and decided to pick them. Here's what happened on the way home...

Maureen (yelling at the top of her lungs): I LOOOOST MY CHERRRRRY!!!

MaShell: Wow, Maureen, do you really need to yell that?!

Neighbor: That's quite an announcement to make to the neighborhood!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

EAT your dinner!

MaShell: Maureen, EAT your dinner!

Maureen: But I don't like it.

MaShell: What's not to like? It's chicken and it's rice with cheese and broccoli.

Maureen (with nose all crinkled up): But that is rice that is all sticking together and that is chicken that goes 'bawk, bawk'