Sunday, January 20, 2008

Saint Caroline?

Caroline asked us yesterday what our first miracles were.

Caroline: My first miracle was the day I made snowflakes and taped it on the window and it started snowing. That was a really long time ago. And another miracle--everyone in this house thought it was going to be a boy, except me. I was right, it was going to be a girl. That was my second miracle. Those are the only two I had. If I have any more miracles, I'll let you know.

Maureen, did you have a miracle?

Maureen: I did, it was a scary, SCARY dream.


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh that was great! I really look forward to your tidbits (G rated humor balances all the other stuff I read daily LoL).

I'd share my own miracle, but it's not for a family friendly site.

Happy Monday St Caroline (and Ma)!

Erin said...

ew. Ew Nuke. Ew.