Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Guest Post: "It's so BORING up there."

At our church, all the children can go down to the basement for awhile during Mass for "children's church." They sing and color for about 15 minutes. We received the email message below from the mom who escorted all the kids last week. (Lainey is her daughter.)


Hey guys,

You may have wondered why Maureen didn't return to your pew as promptly as Caroline. All the other children shuffled back up the stairs, but there remained Maureen, brows furrowed, arms crossed. I explained that it was time to go back to our families. She was silent. I wasn't really sure what was going on in her little head. After a moment, she began to make her way to the stairs, stopped again and oh-so-desperately stated, "But it's so BORING up there!" I about lost it. It was so heartfelt and sincere. If Lainey hadn't been standing there with me, I would have bust up laughing. I just thought I'd share this one with you.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Uh, it kinda is boring up there.