Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

Please tell us what number it is till Christmas. And then, please could ya do that for me? Now, okay, it is time to talk. I want all the things that are on tv for Christmas. I want a kitty toy that is white and Barbie and the Diamond Castle and Barbie Peek-a-boo and the Barbie Peek-a-boo house and the wedding one. And the Littlest Pet Shop and the Diego rescue and the potty dolls that go potty. Please can I have them? Please? But not the boy stuff, never, never. Awesome!

Eat your food Santa, okay? Eat your food. You have to get bigggger!! Cuz if you don’t you won’t be strong enough for your filled up bag.

Buh-Bye, Gotta Go!

Hello! It is so nice to see you again Santa. Last Halloween, A-le-lu-ya!! And then, I was so bad, I was Ariel. Now, could you please do this? A-e-i-o-u is right.

Thank you for everything!!! I loooovvveee Rudolph. He has a very zito. That means he has a red nose.


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