Monday, September 28, 2009

Meet My Husband!

Maureen: Mom, look, this is my husband! [Proudly shows me a rectangular-shaped rock that fits in her hand.]

MaShell: Wow, really??

Maureen: Yeah. His name is Gravelin....I mean Rocklin because well, he likes to ROCK MAN!!

Later....Maureen was in the bathtub.

Caroline: Maureen, is that your husband IN THE BATH WITH YOU??? AND HE'S UNDER YOUR BOTTOM?? AND YOU TOOTED ON HIM??

The next morning, Maureen woke up crying. I sat on her bed to see what was wrong and when I sat down, put my hand onto the bed, right onto her husband. She had slept on the 2 in rock all night!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Will You Share That Recipe?

Maureen: Mom, when I get bigger, will you share that recipe with me?

MaShell: Yeah, sure. Why do you want it?

Maureen: Well, when I get bigger I wanna make banana bread for my kids cause it's so good.

MaShell: How many kids do you think you'll have?

Maureen: Oh, a brother and a sister and a big brother and a big sister and a little sister and a little brother.

MaShell: Wow, 6 kids!

Maureen: Yeah, and I will be SO old.

MaShell: Where will I be?

Maureen: Oh, you will be dead. I will be old and you will be dead. You will Mom, for real.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Remember the Huh???

Caroline was asking us about the Northeast and the Southwest and where they are.

Caroline: And in the Southwest, remember the alamino!

MaShell: The alamino?? What's that?

Caroline: The amalino??

Patrick: Oh my god, she means the Alamo!

Madeline: Elmo??

Caroline: Yeah! That's it, Remember the Alamo!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Time Flies

Caroline: Mom, when are you going to take me to look at high schools and colleges? Because, you know time flies.

Birthday Drama

MaShell: Maureen, where are you going?

Maureen: I'm GOING to give out these birthday party invitations, I have to or else no one will come to my birt-day party. [Maureen's teacher said she spent all of her free time today writing out birthday invitations.]

MaShell: Your birthday isn't until February after Valentine's Day, so you have a few months to wait.

Maureen [dramatically putting on clip earrings]: Moooom. Well, when I am older I am simply not going to know you because you will die and I will not.

With that she held her head up high in the air and marched away.