Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Get Your Tutu!!


Maureen to MaShell: We are having a show tonight, right now, I have to go get ready. Oh my. I'm late.

Caroline immediately got green construction paper and a red marker and made a sign that reads:

Show ToDay!
When: Right now!
Where: Hall!
Staring (not "Starring"): Caroline and Maureen!

Caroline: Mom, are you coming to our show? We have plenty of seats.

Maureen (in a voice that got higher as she talked): Tomorrow, we are going to have another play of Winnie the Pooh!

My Collection

MaShell (in Starbucks): Maureen, please put the crinkly paper down. That belongs to Starbucks.

Maureen: But Mom, I need it for my crinkly paper collection.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I Have Something to Tell You

Maureen (yelling from the upstairs bathroom): Moooooommmm, I have something to tell yoooouuu.

MaShell (really dreading what the answer would be from the bathroom): What Maureen?

Maureen: I was teasing about my imaginary family. They aren't real. I don't really have imaginary brothers. I'm so sorry, but my brain made me say it.

Last week, Maureen was having a bad day and said she was going to go live with her imaginary family, including her two little brothers named Jack and Tommy Bobby.

Santa Claus is a Bad Man?

Caroline (singing): Santa Claus is a bad man, Santa Claus is a bad man...

Maureen: Santa Claus isn't bad. Santa Claus is a BLAAACK man. That's what the song says Caroline.

Caroline: Mom, why is Santa Claus a black man?

I Thought We Would Get Coal!!

On Christmas Morning, while looking at everything Santa brought...

Maureen (talking really loudly): Wooowww!!! I thought we would get coal. There really IS a Santa Claus!!

There REALLY IS a Santa Claus!!

Santa brought Maureen a Fur Real white kitty cat which prompted several reactions:

Maureen to her baby doll Lauren: Look honey, we have a kitty!

Maureen to Erin: When will we have kittens??

Caroline to MaShell: MAUREEN, this means there REALLY IS a Santa Claus!!! You asked for a furry white cat, and Santa brought you a furry white cat!! Wow!!

Maureen then named the cat Princess Whiskers. I later stuck my finger in Princess Whiskers mouth and it bit me. I leaped back and screamed!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Miracle #4

MaShell: Do you have any new miracles?

Caroline: YES!! I have more friends. And I just sent my letter to Santa ONE WEEK ago!!

I've Created Monsters

Maureen (sticking a chopstick in an apple): LOOK!! I made a candy apple

MaShell, Erin and Caroline: Ha ha ha ha ha

Caroline: Mom, are you going to put this on your blog thing?

Mr. Hanky

Maureen (on the toilet): I think Mr. Hanky just came out of my bottom!!

A few seconds later...

Maureen: I just flushed him.

Caroline: There's a little bit of Mr. Hanky in everyone.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Missing Dollets!!

Maureen: (holding mama rag doll that has pockets on her apron for three baby dolls): Oh NO!! I can't find the dollets. Mommy, have you seen my dollets??

I Want To Be Traded!

We were in an Irish store the other day. Caroline saw a sign that read:

Unattended children will be traded to the leprechauns for tea and chocolates.

We started looking around the store and she kept disappearing. I thought she was trying to find a gift for me. But finally, when I went looking for her the third time she told me what was going on:

Caroline: Mooooommmmm! I want to get traded!!

MaShell: Traded?? What?? Oh!!! To the leprechauns!! What do you think they will do with you?!

Caroline: They will train me to do stuff.

Later, she was looking at all the Irish dolls with red hair and blue eyes and had an epiphany--"I'm IRISH!! All the dolls look like me!!"

We Need a Trick Dog!

MaShell: I wish we had a dog that would clean up all the food you girls drop on the floor.

Caroline: Well, I wish we had a dog that would carry the plates into the kitchen. It would have to be a trick dog, a trick dog that has it's own show.

MaShell: Why would a trick dog with it's own show want to live in our house?

Caroline: To eat ALL that food under the table!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

Please tell us what number it is till Christmas. And then, please could ya do that for me? Now, okay, it is time to talk. I want all the things that are on tv for Christmas. I want a kitty toy that is white and Barbie and the Diamond Castle and Barbie Peek-a-boo and the Barbie Peek-a-boo house and the wedding one. And the Littlest Pet Shop and the Diego rescue and the potty dolls that go potty. Please can I have them? Please? But not the boy stuff, never, never. Awesome!

Eat your food Santa, okay? Eat your food. You have to get bigggger!! Cuz if you don’t you won’t be strong enough for your filled up bag.

Buh-Bye, Gotta Go!

Hello! It is so nice to see you again Santa. Last Halloween, A-le-lu-ya!! And then, I was so bad, I was Ariel. Now, could you please do this? A-e-i-o-u is right.

Thank you for everything!!! I loooovvveee Rudolph. He has a very zito. That means he has a red nose.


Friday, December 12, 2008

The Tail Game

Maureen: Let's play the tail game.

MaShell: Okay, how do you play?

Maureen: You say, "Which kind of tail does a pig have?"

MaShell: A curly tail?

Maureen: Noooooo, a twisted tail. You loosed. Now it's your turn.

MaShell: Which kind of tail does a horse have?

Maureen: Noooooo, that animal is NOT in the tail game. [whispering] Try a skunk.

MaShell: Which kind of tail does a skunk have?

Maureen: A STINKY tail. I win. I get a gold star. Now it's my turn. Which kind of tail does a dog have?

MaShell: A furry tail??

Maureen: Yes! A furry tail, you get a gold star. A gold star is worth no points. A pink star is worth two points.

Later, Patrick came and joined the game and found out that rats, cats and horses are NOT part of the tail game and that he loooosed! Then it was declared by Maureen that no boys are allowed and no redheads are allowed to play the Tail Game.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

His Mom is Not Very Smart

Caroline: Do you get up on the roof?

Patrick: No

Caroline: The boys in my class get up on their ROOF! They do. William gets on the pointy part. His mom lets him. I think his mom is not very smart.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Connections by Maureen

Polka Dots and Bananas

Caroline made up code words that she uses all the time:

Polka Dots! = seat belt is buckled and she's read to go

Usage example:

Caroline: Mom, POLKA DOTS!!! Did you hear me?? I said POLKA DOTS.

Bananas (always whispered) = I need to go to the church cry room and get more books to read during church

Usage example:

Caroline pointing to back of church and whispering: Mom, bananas...bananas...that means I need to go get more books......can I???.........puhleasssseeee????

St. Nick

Caroline: Why do they call him St. Nick if he isn't dead?

Patrick: ...uh.....that's a very good question....some people call other people a saint even if they aren't.

Caroline's Letter to Santa

Dear Santa Claus,

Here's what I want for Christmas. More Friends. I know, I know, it's a long story.


Madeline Gets All Sassy

Patrick (pointing): Madeline, get OUT of the kitchen

Patrick (pointing again): Madeline, I said get OUT of the kitchen. Go.

Madeline: unh-uh

Christmas Wish List

Erin: What do you want for Christmas Maureen?

Maureen: All the things on tv.

Erin: yeah you do!